Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Príďte sa zabaviť, jedinečný teambuilding s curlingom

Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove

Slovenský curlingový zväz pozýva na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove firmy a kolektívy nadšencov na teambuilding, na ktorom sa výborne zabavíte pri tomto olympijskom športe. Na jednej dráhe proti sebe hrajú dva štvorčlenné či päťčlenné tímy, v curlingovej hale sú dve dráhy. Celkovo organizujeme akcie do 50 hráčov, v prípade záujmu sprostredkujeme catering.

Akcia sa začína krátkou inštruktážou, po ktorej nasleduje zápas alebo miniturnaj. V cene je kompletné zabezpečenie eventu s dohľadom skúsenej inštruktorky a organizáciou turnaja.

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Japan achieve first win in Las Vegas as Norway join Sweden in first place

Japan achieve first win in Las Vegas as Norway join Sweden in first place

There were two games in Monday (2 April) morning's sixth session of round-robin play of the 361° World Men's Curling Championship 2018 being held in Las Vegas, United States, with Japan facing Netherlands and Norway playing United States.
Sweden top rankings after day two in Las Vegas

Sweden top rankings after day two in Las Vegas

Olympic silver medallists Sweden beat Scotland by 7-6 in Sunday (31 March) evening's fifth session of round-robin play in the 361° World Men's Curling Championship 2018, being staged in Las Vegas, United States. This not only maintains their unbeaten record but puts them alone at the top-of-the-table, on four wins and no losses.
Korea, Norway and Sweden lead the standings after third wins

Korea, Norway and Sweden lead the standings after third wins

Korea, Norway and Sweden were all winners in Sunday (1 April) afternoon's fourth session of round-robin play in the 361° World Men's Curling Championship, being staged in Las Vegas, United States, and this means they all remain in a three-way tie, unbeaten at the top of the table.
Korea and Norway win to move to the top of the rankings

Korea and Norway win to move to the top of the rankings

Wins for Norway and Korea in Sunday (1 April) morning's third session of round-robin play at the 361° World Men's Curling Championship 2018 in Las Vegas, United States, mean that these two teams join Sweden – who sat out the session – at the top of the rankings, on two wins and no losses. Norway beat Germany by 8-2 while Korea had a 9-2 win over Japan.
Hosts, United States begin 361º World Men's with win

Hosts, United States begin 361º World Men's with win

Hosts United States made their first appearance of the 361° World Men's Curling Championship 2018 in Saturday (31 March) evening's second session of round-robin play in Las Vegas and started with an extra end, 6-5, win over Japan.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
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