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Druhá liga mužov

Ďalšími zápasmi cez víkend pokračuje Druhá liga mužov. O postup do prvej ligy bude hrať 5 tímov - Icebreakers, Trenčianska Teplá, Lipová, Pluskari a Curlingová akadémia.
Vstup na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Bratislave je zadarmo. Všetci fanúšikovia sú vítaní.

Sobota 16. decembra 

9.00 Icebreakers - Curlingová akadémia

Nedeľa 17. decembra

15.30              Trenčianska Teplá - Lipová
19.00  Trenčianska Teplá - Curlingová akadémia     Lipová - Icebreakers

Trenčianska Teplá: Bubeník, Madový, Pružinec, Horňák
Pluskári: Tančibok, Mravec, Odráška, Marko, Sabo, Martin
Curlingová akadémia: Pečenka, Kolman, Rafaj, Haronik, Fi. Pitoňák, Vidlár
Captains Lipová: Kuťka, Dan. Kajan, Dav. Kajan, M. Kajan
Icebreakers: Ježík, Liška, Németh, Šiplák

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Sweden win Olympic final rematch in North Bay

Sweden win Olympic final rematch in North Bay

Monday (19 March) evening's eighth session of round-robin play in the Ford World Women's Curling Championship 2018 in North Bay, Canada saw a re-match of the recent Olympic final, with gold medallists Sweden once again taking on silver medallists Korea.
First win for Denmark as Canada stay undefeated

First win for Denmark as Canada stay undefeated

Canada beat China by 9-5 in Monday (19 March) afternoon's seventh round-robin session at the Ford World Women's Championship 2018 in North Bay, Canada to join Sweden, who sat out this session, at the top of the rankings, on four wins. In the same session, Denmark had an extra end 6-5 win over Germany to record their first victory so far.
First wins for Czechs and Switzerland as Canada and Korea join top pack

First wins for Czechs and Switzerland as Canada and Korea join top pack

With table-toppers Russia and Olympic champions Sweden among the teams sitting out Sunday (18 March) evening's fifth session of round-robin play at the Ford World Women's Curling Championship 2018 in North Bay, Korea and hosts Canada took their chances to join them, with each winning to create a four-way tie at the top-of-the-table.
Sweden and Russia stay undefeated in North Bay, Canada

Sweden and Russia stay undefeated in North Bay, Canada

Olympic champions, Sweden and Russia moved into joint top spot on the rankings, as each recorded their third wins so far in Sunday (18 March) afternoon's fourth round-robin session at the Ford World Women's Curling Championship 2018 in North Bay, Canada. Sweden beat Italy by 9-1 in just seven ends, while Russia beat Switzerland by 8-4.







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