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ME C-kategórie 2017
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ME C-kategórie 2017


Slovenská reprezentácia žien získala bronz na ME C-kategórie v Andorre. Do béčka postúpili Španielsko a Poľsko. Slovensko reprezentovali Zuzana Dibalová, Nina Mayerová, Soňa Mayerová, Slávka Zubercová a Daniela Matulová.
Program a výsledky SR:
Pondelok 8. mája: 
Poľsko 5:11
Utorok 9. mája: Slovinsko 8:5, Rumunsko 11:3
Streda 10. mája: Chorvátsko 11:3, 
Španielsko 4:5
Štvrtok 11. mája: 
Írsko 7:4
Piatok 12. mája: Rakúsko 11:4

Sobota 13.mája: o postup do boja o B-kategóriu: Írsko 11:3,
o postup do B-kategórie: Poľsko 4:6
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Sweden and United States men to play for Olympic gold medals

Sweden and United States men to play for Olympic gold medals

Sweden beat Switzerland by 9-3, while United States were 5-3 winners over Canada in Thursday evening's Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 men's semi-finals, and these two teams will now contest Saturday's final for the Olympic gold medals. Canada will face Switzerland for the bronze medals on Friday afternoon.
Sweden and United States men to play for Olympic gold medals

Sweden and United States men to play for Olympic gold medals

Sweden beat Switzerland by 9-3, while United States were 5-3 winners over Canada in Thursday evening's Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 men's semi-finals, and these two teams will now contest Saturday's final for the Olympic gold medals. Canada will face Switzerland for the bronze medals on Friday afternoon.
World Curling Federation position on anti-doping rule violation

World Curling Federation position on anti-doping rule violation

This incident has cast a shadow over our sport and the amazing mixed doubles curling competition that had its debut here at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018. We support the decision that has been reached by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), regarding the anti-doping rule violation by the Olympic Athlete from Russia, Aleksandr Krushelnitckii.
World Curling Federation appoints Heads of Competitions and Development

World Curling Federation appoints Heads of Competitions and Development

The World Curling Federation has appointed a Head of Competitions and a Head of Development, promoting two of its current Competitions and Development Officers to replace the retiring Director of Competitions and Development, Keith Wendorf. From July 2018, Switzerland's Eeva Roethlisberger will lead the competition side of the Federation, while Scott Arnold takes charge of development.







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811 07 Bratislava

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