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ME C-kategórie 2017
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ME C-kategórie 2017


Slovenská reprezentácia žien získala bronz na ME C-kategórie v Andorre. Do béčka postúpili Španielsko a Poľsko. Slovensko reprezentovali Zuzana Dibalová, Nina Mayerová, Soňa Mayerová, Slávka Zubercová a Daniela Matulová.
Program a výsledky SR:
Pondelok 8. mája: 
Poľsko 5:11
Utorok 9. mája: Slovinsko 8:5, Rumunsko 11:3
Streda 10. mája: Chorvátsko 11:3, 
Španielsko 4:5
Štvrtok 11. mája: 
Írsko 7:4
Piatok 12. mája: Rakúsko 11:4

Sobota 13.mája: o postup do boja o B-kategóriu: Írsko 11:3,
o postup do B-kategórie: Poľsko 4:6
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Canada men beat Norway to top the table

Canada men beat Norway to top the table

In a game that was tighter than the 7-4 result indicates, Canada beat Norway in Thursday afternoon's third session of men's round-robin play at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 to stand alone at the top of the table, undefeated.
Japan women top table after win over Denmark

Japan women top table after win over Denmark

Japan moved to the top of the women's rankings in the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 with an 8-5 win over Denmark in Thursday morning's second session of women's round-robin play.
Norway's crazy pants gang dressed to thrill and aiming to top the bill

Norway's crazy pants gang dressed to thrill and aiming to top the bill

Thomas Ulsrud (NOR) is a an Olympic Winter Games silver medallist and world champion in men's team curling, but outside the curling fraternity, the 46-year-old is perhaps best known for his flamboyant pants.
Canada and Sweden men joint leaders after day one

Canada and Sweden men joint leaders after day one

Both Canada and Sweden men enjoyed their second wins so far in Wednesday evening's second session of men's round-robin play at the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018. Canada beat Great Britain by 6-4 and Sweden emerged as 7-2 winners over Korea. The other winners in this session were Italy, who beat Switzerland by 7-4, and Japan who were 6-4 winners over Norway.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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