Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá sveta vozičkárov, Peking

Slovensko reprezentovala pätica Lyócsa, Kunkelová, Zaťko, Pitoňák a Ďuriš

Slovenskí reprezentanti skončili na šampionáte s bilanciou 3 víťazstiev a 8 prehier na 10. mieste.
Majstrovstvá sveta sa hrali v Národnom vodnom centre, známom aj ako Kocka ľadu, v Pekingu v Číne.
Šampionát bol generálkou pre nadchádzajúce paralympijské zimné hry v Pekingu 2022, kde sa zúčastní najlepších 12 tímov.

Výsledky Slovenska
)Čína 4:8, Lotyšsko 5:8, Švédsko 5:10, Švajčiarsko 12:1, Výber Ruska 5:14, Kórea 5:2, Taliansko 1:8, Nórsko 6:8, Kanada 3:8, Škótsko 8:3, Spojené štáty 5:9
Majstrovstvá sveta v curlingu na invalidnom vozíku 2021 - Svetová curlingová federácia (

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New four-stage curling competition to be named Curling World Cup

New four-stage curling competition to be named Curling World Cup

The World Curling Federation, Chinese Curling Association and Kingdomway Sports held an official signing ceremony, this week in Beijing, China, reaffirming the four-year partnership to establish what was previously known as the World Series of Curling.
World Men's schedule released and single day tickets to go on sale

World Men's schedule released and single day tickets to go on sale

The World Curling Federation has today (Saturday 13 January) released the schedule for the World Men's Curling Championship 2018 to take place in Las Vegas, United States, between 31 March and 8 April. This comes after the Americas Challenge, being held in London, Ontario, Canada decided the final Member Association to join the new 13-team line-up.
Tense qualification process prepares teams for PyeongChang 2018

Tense qualification process prepares teams for PyeongChang 2018

The final two days of play at the World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship 2017 in Lethbridge, Canada were the make or break points for many Olympic dreams. Not only did the top teams have a chance at winning a medal at the world championship, but they had fate in their own hands to qualify for the Olympic Winter Games.
Americas Challenge begins in London, Ontario

Americas Challenge begins in London, Ontario

The final Member Association to compete at the World Men's Curling Championship 2018 will be decided in the coming days as Canada and Brazil go head-to-head in the Americas Challenge. The Challenge will be contested in conjunction with the 2018 World Financial Group Continental Cup, in London, Ontario, Canada between 11 and 13 January.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
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