Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Príďte sa zabaviť, jedinečný teambuilding s curlingom

Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove

Slovenský curlingový zväz pozýva na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove firmy a kolektívy nadšencov na teambuilding, na ktorom sa výborne zabavíte pri tomto olympijskom športe. Na jednej dráhe proti sebe hrajú dva štvorčlenné či päťčlenné tímy, v curlingovej hale sú dve dráhy. Celkovo organizujeme akcie do 50 hráčov, v prípade záujmu sprostredkujeme catering.

Akcia sa začína krátkou inštruktážou, po ktorej nasleduje zápas alebo miniturnaj. V cene je kompletné zabezpečenie eventu s dohľadom skúsenej inštruktorky a organizáciou turnaja.

V prípade ďalších otázok Vám radi poradíme, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
Kontakt:, tel.: +421 948 835 887

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China, Denmark and Italy men share top-spot as round-robin passes halfway

China, Denmark and Italy men share top-spot as round-robin passes halfway

Wins by China, Denmark and Italy in Thursday (7 December) afternoon's fourth session of men's round-robin play keeps all three teams in joint top spot at the Olympic Qualification Event 2017 in Pilsen, Czech Republic. China faced Netherlands and opened the scoring with a score of three points in the first end.
VIDEO: Curling Stones - From Island to Ice

VIDEO: Curling Stones - From Island to Ice

Just over 8 miles off the West Coast of Scotland in the United Kingdom is an island called Ailsa Craig. This volcanic plug forms an iconic backdrop to Turnberry golf course and also one of the UK's most important bird sanctuaries. The granite which makes up the island cannot be found elsewhere and is used by Kays of Scotland to make the majority of the world's Curling stones.
Women's field opens up following Czech, Italy and Latvia wins

Women's field opens up following Czech, Italy and Latvia wins

On Thursday (7 December) morning, in the Winter Košutka Arena in Pilsen, Czech Republic, Italy were the first women's team to beat the previously undefeated China at the Olympic Qualification Event 2017. This event qualifies the final two women's teams for February's PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games.
Day two closes with wins for Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and Germany

Day two closes with wins for Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and Germany

Netherlands' men's team recorded their first win at the Olympic Qualification Event 2017 on Wednesday night in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Meanwhile, Denmark became the first team to beat the only unbeaten team going into the third session of men's round-robin games, China.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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