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Druhá liga mužov

Ďalšími zápasmi cez víkend pokračuje Druhá liga mužov. O postup do prvej ligy bude hrať 5 tímov - Icebreakers, Trenčianska Teplá, Lipová, Pluskari a Curlingová akadémia.
Vstup na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Bratislave je zadarmo. Všetci fanúšikovia sú vítaní.

Sobota 16. decembra 

9.00 Icebreakers - Curlingová akadémia

Nedeľa 17. decembra

15.30              Trenčianska Teplá - Lipová
19.00  Trenčianska Teplá - Curlingová akadémia     Lipová - Icebreakers

Trenčianska Teplá: Bubeník, Madový, Pružinec, Horňák
Pluskári: Tančibok, Mravec, Odráška, Marko, Sabo, Martin
Curlingová akadémia: Pečenka, Kolman, Rafaj, Haronik, Fi. Pitoňák, Vidlár
Captains Lipová: Kuťka, Dan. Kajan, Dav. Kajan, M. Kajan
Icebreakers: Ježík, Liška, Németh, Šiplák

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Switzerland stay in front as Netherlands beat defending champions

Switzerland stay in front as Netherlands beat defending champions

After Thursday's (20 November) fifth session of men's round-robin play, hosts Switzerland stand alone as the only unbeaten team at the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2017 in St Gallen, Switzerland.
Switzerland and Sweden maintain lead as Denmark post first win

Switzerland and Sweden maintain lead as Denmark post first win

Hosts Switzerland and Sweden both had wins in Monday's (20 November) fourth session of round-robin play to remain together – undefeated – at the top of the women's rankings at the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2017, in St Gallen, Switzerland.
Sweden and Switzerland win again to remain undefeated

Sweden and Switzerland win again to remain undefeated

After four sessions of round-robin play, only two men's teams – hosts Switzerland and defending champions Sweden – remain undefeated in joint top slot, although it took all the way to a final nose-hit in an extra end by skip Niklas Edin for Sweden to gain their 10-8 fourth win over Russia.
Czech Republic secure their first win

Czech Republic secure their first win

In Sunday evening's third session of women's round-robin play in the Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017, Czech Republic picked up their first win while three teams remained undefeated at the top of the rankings – Italy, Switzerland and Sweden. The Czech Republic faced Germany with both teams still looking for their first win.
Olympic teams stay undefeated after three sessions

Olympic teams stay undefeated after three sessions

After three sessions of men's round-robin play in the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2017, being held in St Gallen, three teams – defending champions Sweden, hosts Switzerland and Scotland – remain undefeated at the top of the rankings.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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