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Od 24.1.2022 majú členovia SCZ možnosť trénovať v curlingovej hale v Ružinove. Tréningy si môžu tímy rezervovať najneskôr do štvrtka na nasledujúci týždeň, prípadne pravidelne do konca sezóny na adrese, v termínoch, ktoré niesú obsadené SPV.

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Being ‘well prepared' vital for Pacific-Asia teams

Being ‘well prepared' vital for Pacific-Asia teams

The World Curling Federation's Pacific-Asia zone is becoming a rising force in world curling. A fifth of the World Curling Federation's Member Associations come from this regional area – and it recently welcomed Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Saudi Arabia to the curling family.
Curling Night in America season four

Curling Night in America season four

Curling Night in America's fourth season is being aired, in the United States, over the coming weeks on NBCSN. The programme is produced in partnership between the World Curling Federation, USA Curling, the United States Olympic Committee and NBC Sports Group.
New York club aim to grow curling after Olympic Celebration Tour

New York club aim to grow curling after Olympic Celebration Tour

The World Curling Federation's Olympic Celebration Tour made its first stop of the 2017-2018 season last week, in New York, United States. Almost 900 participants took part in the programme – that helps curling clubs around the globe generate interest in the sport – at Ardsley Curling Club, 20 miles north of Manhattan.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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