Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá sveta vozičkárov, Peking

Slovensko reprezentovala pätica Lyócsa, Kunkelová, Zaťko, Pitoňák a Ďuriš

Slovenskí reprezentanti skončili na šampionáte s bilanciou 3 víťazstiev a 8 prehier na 10. mieste.
Majstrovstvá sveta sa hrali v Národnom vodnom centre, známom aj ako Kocka ľadu, v Pekingu v Číne.
Šampionát bol generálkou pre nadchádzajúce paralympijské zimné hry v Pekingu 2022, kde sa zúčastní najlepších 12 tímov.

Výsledky Slovenska
)Čína 4:8, Lotyšsko 5:8, Švédsko 5:10, Švajčiarsko 12:1, Výber Ruska 5:14, Kórea 5:2, Taliansko 1:8, Nórsko 6:8, Kanada 3:8, Škótsko 8:3, Spojené štáty 5:9
Majstrovstvá sveta v curlingu na invalidnom vozíku 2021 - Svetová curlingová federácia (

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WADA Publishes 2018 Prohibited List

WADA Publishes 2018 Prohibited List

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the 2018 Prohibited List. The List will come into effect on 1 January 2018. The Prohibited List details substances and methods banned in sports in-and out-of-competition. The 2018 Prohibited List, the 2018 Summary of Modifications, and the 2018 Monitoring Programme are available for download on the WCF website here: http://www.worldcurling.
Scotland crowned 2017 World Mixed Curling Champions

Scotland crowned 2017 World Mixed Curling Champions

Scotland were crowned the 2017 World Mixed Curling Champions this afternoon (Saturday 14 October) after defeating Canada 8-5 in an extra-end at the Palladium de ChampEry in ChampEry, Switzerland. Canada opened the scoring in the first end when they attempted a hit and roll for the blank, but a nose hit kept their stone in play for a score of one point.
Canada and Scotland win to progress to the gold medal final

Canada and Scotland win to progress to the gold medal final

This morning (Saturday 14 October) saw Canada and Scotland progress to the gold medal final later this afternoon, while Norway and Czech Republic will compete for the bronze medals. Canada defeated Norway 5-3 in a tense game to progress to the gold medal final this afternoon. With that win Canada are now guaranteed their first ever medal at a World Mixed Curling Championship.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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