Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Príďte sa zabaviť, jedinečný teambuilding s curlingom

Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove

Slovenský curlingový zväz pozýva na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove firmy a kolektívy nadšencov na teambuilding, na ktorom sa výborne zabavíte pri tomto olympijskom športe. Na jednej dráhe proti sebe hrajú dva štvorčlenné či päťčlenné tímy, v curlingovej hale sú dve dráhy. Celkovo organizujeme akcie do 50 hráčov, v prípade záujmu sprostredkujeme catering.

Akcia sa začína krátkou inštruktážou, po ktorej nasleduje zápas alebo miniturnaj. V cene je kompletné zabezpečenie eventu s dohľadom skúsenej inštruktorky a organizáciou turnaja.

V prípade ďalších otázok Vám radi poradíme, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
Kontakt:, tel.: +421 948 835 887

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New Competitions and Development Officer appointment for World Curling

New Competitions and Development Officer appointment for World Curling

The World Curling Federation is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Competitions and Development Officer. Paddy Kaeser, who will join the organisation, on 1 January 2018, will work with the World Curling Federation's Competitions and Development team organising and delivering camps and courses and running international championships as a Technical Delegate.
Member Association Spotlight: September 2017

Member Association Spotlight: September 2017

With our new look President's Newsletter, unveiled for the 2017-2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games season, we introduce a new section to our website - the Member Association Spotlight. This page is here to celebrate the great development work going on, all around the world, by our 60 Member Associations. Thanks to all those who submitted articles for the September 2017 newsletter.
World Curling reaches 60 members

World Curling reaches 60 members

At the conclusion of the sixth World Curling Congress, in Bled, Slovenia, the World Curling Federation Board has accepted new Associations into its membership, taking the told number of Member Associations to 60. Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Portugal and Saudi Arabia have all been approved into conditional membership.
World Curling Championships to grow after Annual General Assembly

World Curling Championships to grow after Annual General Assembly

The 56 Member Associations of the World Curling Federation have voted to increase the number of teams at its World Wheelchair, Women's and Men's Curling Championships. To reflect the Paralympic Winter Games wheelchair curling tournament, 12 teams will now compete at the World Wheelchair Curling Championships from 2019 onwards.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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