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Pavel Kocian
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Majstrom Slovenska v mixoch tím CC Martin

Víťaz získa právo reprezentovať SR na MS v Mexiku

Novým majstrom Slovenska v mixoch sa stal CC Martin, ktorý vo finále zdolal Blackwater 5:3. Bronz získal Linda team. Víťazny tím v zostave Milan Moravčík, Slávka Zubercová, Juraj Gallo a Daniela Matulová získal právo reprezentovať Slovensko na MS v Mexiku.

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Spanish curler enhancing curling knowledge at FUssen courses

Spanish curler enhancing curling knowledge at FUssen courses

Spanish mixed doubles athlete Irantzu Garcia has been in FUssen, Germany this past week taking part in some of the curling courses that are held there by the World Curling Federation each year. Garcia, attended the umpire basic and advanced instruction courses, which are part of a series of courses, about ice making, umpiring and coaching, run each year during the first week of July.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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