Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Olympijská kvalifikácia, Leeuwarden

V Holandsku sa bojovalo o miestenky do Pekingu

Muži Nórska, Talianska a Dánska si vybojovali zostávajúce tri miestenky na curlingový turnaj na ZOH 2022. Obsadili prvé tri miesta na kvalifikačnom podujatí v holandskom Leeuwardene. Účasť na olympiáde tesne ušla českým reprezentantom, ktorí najskôr prehrali s Talianskom 5:6 a v druhom zápase s Dánskom 5:8, keď nevyužili náskok 4:1 /po 5. ende) a 5:3 (po 7. ende).

V ženskej kategórii postúpili do Pekingu tímy Škótska, Japonska a Kórejskej republiky. Na olympijskom turnaji si zahrajú aj hostiteľské Číňanky a prvých šesť družstiev svetového rebríčka: Švajčiarsko, Rusko, USA, Švédsko, Dánsko, Kanada.

Olympijské kvalifikačné podujatie 2021 - Svetová curlingová federácia (

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Japan become the first team to qualify for the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's play-offs

Japan become the first team to qualify for the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's play-offs

Japan beat Scotland by 8-6 in Wednesday evening's 14th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019, to share top spot with Sweden, who beat Canada by 9-4 in the same session. This result, and Japan's superior win-loss record against the other top contenders, means that Japan become the first qualifiers for the weekend play-off games.
Switzerland and Sweden join Japan in three-way tie for first place at the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's championship

Switzerland and Sweden join Japan in three-way tie for first place at the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's championship

In Wednesday afternoon's 13th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019 in Lethbridge, Canada, Switzerland beat Korea by 11-2 in just six ends, while Sweden had a 9-5 win over Russia. These results mean that Switzerland and Sweden now join Japan – who sat out this session – at the top of the table, on seven wins and one loss.
European Curling Championships C-Division heads to Brasov, Romania

European Curling Championships C-Division heads to Brasov, Romania

While the 2018-2019 curling season is winding down for most curlers, the teams looking to book their spots in next season's European B-Division are gearing up. The European Curling Championships C-Division 2019 will begin on Friday (12 April) for teams looking to be promoted to the European Curling Championships B-Division. The event will be hosted at the Olympic Ice Rink in Brasov, Romania.
Japan defeat hosts Canada to climb to first place in Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's rankings

Japan defeat hosts Canada to climb to first place in Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's rankings

Japan beat Canada by 9-3 in just six ends of Wednesday morning's 12th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019 in Lethbridge, Canada for their seventh win so far, a result that sees them replace the Canadians at the top of the rankings.







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