Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Novinky SCZ

Noví majstri Slovenska

Z titulu sa tešia Sýkorovci, muži CC Poprad a ženy 1. CC Bratislava II

Novými majstrami v sezóne 2018/19 sú Silvia a Marek Sýkorovci v pároch, muži CC Poprad a ženy 1. CC Bratislava II. Víťazom gratulujeme a držíme palce na vrcholných podujatiach.

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New Member Associations to take to the ice at World Mixed Doubles

New Member Associations to take to the ice at World Mixed Doubles

The World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship 2019, being held in Stavanger, Norway, from 20-27 April, will be the biggest edition of this event to date. Not only that, five Member Associations will compete in their first ever World Curling Federation event. A total of 48 teams will take to the ice with Kosovo, Mexico, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine all making debuts.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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