Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Príďte sa zabaviť, jedinečný teambuilding s curlingom

Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove

Slovenský curlingový zväz pozýva na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Ružinove firmy a kolektívy nadšencov na teambuilding, na ktorom sa výborne zabavíte pri tomto olympijskom športe. Na jednej dráhe proti sebe hrajú dva štvorčlenné či päťčlenné tímy, v curlingovej hale sú dve dráhy. Celkovo organizujeme akcie do 50 hráčov, v prípade záujmu sprostredkujeme catering.

Akcia sa začína krátkou inštruktážou, po ktorej nasleduje zápas alebo miniturnaj. V cene je kompletné zabezpečenie eventu s dohľadom skúsenej inštruktorky a organizáciou turnaja.

V prípade ďalších otázok Vám radi poradíme, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
Kontakt:, tel.: +421 948 835 887

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Estonian Curling ensuring their country is “an attractive place to curl”

Estonia's relationship with curling is an unorthodox one. A nation that joined the World Curling Federation as an associate member only 15 years ago, Estonia had a relatively successful start in the sport, coming close to the play-offs in the European Curling Championships B-Division for both the women and men in 2005. A lull period ensued before results picked up at the Europeans.
China defeat Korea to compete for Pacific-Asia championship gold medals

China defeat Korea to compete for Pacific-Asia championship gold medals

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Japan to face Korea for the women's gold medals

Japan to face Korea for the women's gold medals

Japan join Korea in the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 women's gold medal final and also qualify for the World Women's Curling Championship 2019 in Silkeborg, Denmark after defeating Hong Kong, 13-3, in the 1v4 semi-final in Gangneung, Republic of Korea.
Japan reach Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 men's gold medal game

Japan reach Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 men's gold medal game

Japan became the first side to reach the gold medal final of the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 men's competition and qualify for the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019 in Lethbridge, Canada after defeating New Zealand, 8-3 in the 2v3 semi-final.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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