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Druhá liga mužov

Ďalšími zápasmi cez víkend pokračuje Druhá liga mužov. O postup do prvej ligy bude hrať 5 tímov - Icebreakers, Trenčianska Teplá, Lipová, Pluskari a Curlingová akadémia.
Vstup na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Bratislave je zadarmo. Všetci fanúšikovia sú vítaní.

Sobota 16. decembra 

9.00 Icebreakers - Curlingová akadémia

Nedeľa 17. decembra

15.30              Trenčianska Teplá - Lipová
19.00  Trenčianska Teplá - Curlingová akadémia     Lipová - Icebreakers

Trenčianska Teplá: Bubeník, Madový, Pružinec, Horňák
Pluskári: Tančibok, Mravec, Odráška, Marko, Sabo, Martin
Curlingová akadémia: Pečenka, Kolman, Rafaj, Haronik, Fi. Pitoňák, Vidlár
Captains Lipová: Kuťka, Dan. Kajan, Dav. Kajan, M. Kajan
Icebreakers: Ježík, Liška, Németh, Šiplák

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Play-off race heats up in the men's competition

Play-off race heats up in the men's competition

Day five at the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships being held in Gangneung, Republic of Korea opened with the men's seventh session of round-robin play and saw wins for Australia, Chinese Taipei, Japan and New Zealand.
China and Japan qualify for the semi-finals in the women's fifth session

China and Japan qualify for the semi-finals in the women's fifth session

The fifth round-robin session of the women's competition at the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 saw China and Japan claim their semi-final places and Kazakhstan win. China and Japan are the first women's teams to earn their places in the semi-finals and remain undefeated in the competition.
China win again and qualify for the semi-finals

China win again and qualify for the semi-finals

Day four at the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2018 continued with the men's sixth session and saw China qualify for the semi-finals, while Chinese Taipei, Japan and New Zealand all recorded wins. China secured their place in the semi-finals after defeating Qatar by a score of 13-1 to sit at the top of the rankings undefeated on six wins.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
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