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MS v pároch 2017
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MS v pároch 2017

Lethbridge, CAN

O historickú olympijskú účasť od soboty bojovali slovenskí reprezentanti na MS v mixed doubles v Lethbridge. Slovensko reprezentoval pár Silvia Sýkorová, David Mišun. V E-skupine skončil s bilanciou dvoch víťazstiev a štyroch prehier na piatom mieste a do osemfinále nepostúpil.
Skupina E SEČ 1. Švajčiarsko 5
Sobota 19.15 SR - Švajčiarsko 5:9 1. Rusko 5
Nedeľa 22.30 SR - Slovinsko 8:1 3. Španielsko 4
Pondelok 19.15 SR - Nový Zéland 3:8
4. Slovinsko 2
Utorok 16.00 SR - Rumunsko 10:4 5. Slovensko 2
Streda 16.00 SR - Rusko 8:9 ee
6. N. Zéland 2
Štvrtok 19.15 SR - Španielsko 5:8
7. Rumunsko 0
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#WMDCC2018: Day six quotes

#WMDCC2018: Day six quotes

Athlete quotes from day six of the World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship
Sweden's curling star back in the game

Sweden's curling star back in the game

The return of the World Senior Championships to Sweden has also brought back to the ice Anette Norberg, arguably one of the most successful curling players and female skips in the sport's history. Anette has won two Olympic gold medals, three World Championships, and seven European Championships. She formally announced her retirement in 2014.
Day five review

Day five review

There were a further four sessions of play at the World Senior Curling Championships 2018 on Wednesday (25 April), the second-last day of round-robin play in the event being held in Oestersund, Sweden.
#WSCC2018: Day five quotes

#WSCC2018: Day five quotes

Athlete quotes from day five of the World Senior Curling Championships 2018 being held in the Ostersund Arena in Oestersund, Sweden.







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