Novinky SCZ

Prvá liga mužov

V predohrávke zvíťazili hráči Gentlemen nad Modrou

Hráči Gentlemen zvíťazili v predohrávke 7. kola Prvej ligy mužov nad Modrou 10:2, Posledná časť základnej časti sa odohrá cez víkend 21. - 22. decembra. Hráči Modry sa v decembri ako reprezentácia Slovenska predstavia na majstrovstvách sveta juniorov B-kategórie vo fínskej Lohje. Cez víkend ich čaká prípravný turnaj Star League v Lohje.

Majstrovstvá Európy B, Östersund

Slovensko - Belgicko 2:8, Slovensko - Lotyšsko 8:11

Slovenskí reprezentanti prehrali na ME s Belgickom 2:8 a Lotyšskom 8:11. Dramatický bol najmä druhý zápas, v ktorom naši hráči znížili z 3:9 na 8:9, na víťazstvo to však nestačilo. Slovákom v tabuľke A-skupiny patrí 7. miesto, zajtra od 12.00 sa stretnú s Tureckom. Na čele sú bez prehry Španieli.
Le Gruyère AOP European Curling Championships B-Division 2024 - First Session: Men B-Division

Majstrovstvá Európy B, Östersund

Slovensko - Španielsko 2:10

Slovenskí reprezentanti prehrali v treťom zápase na ME B vo Švédsku so Španielskom 2:10. Našim hráčom nevyšiel úvod stretnutia, keď už po treťom ende prehrávali 1:6. „Španieli boli dnes nad naše sily. Hrali na vysokej úrovni a nám sa nepodarilo im sekundovať. Bohužiaľ, zápasime aj s nejakou virózou, tak sme boli nútení hrať v pozmenenej zostave. Nevešiame však hlavy, zajtra máme ďalšie dva zápasy a verím, že už nastúpime v plnej sile," povedal po zápase skip Jakub Byzon Jurkovič. Slováci sa v utorok o 9.00 stretnú s Belgickom a o 18.00 s Lotyšskom. Po 3. kole nám patrí delená piata priečka, do play-off postúpia prvé tri tímy. 
3. kolo: SR - Španielsko 2:10, Turecko - Maďarsko 8:7, Izrael - Belgicko 3:13, Lotyšsko - Ukrajina 9:10
Le Gruyère AOP European Curling Championships B-Division 2024 - First Session: Men B-Division



Japan’s Tetsuro Shimizu shares curling insight ahead of upcoming season

Japan’s Tetsuro Shimizu shares curling insight ahead of upcoming season

In preparation for the 2019-2020 season, the World Curling Federation has been speaking to some of the world's top athletes, finding out how they got involved with curling, who inspires them and what motivates them to get out onto the ice and be the best they can be.
Get to know Russia's Galina Arsenkina

Get to know Russia's Galina Arsenkina

In preparation for the 2019-2020 season, the World Curling Federation has been speaking to some of the world's top athletes, finding out how they got involved with curling, who inspires them and what motivates them to get out onto the ice and be the best they can be.
Scotland’s Ross Paterson motivated for second season as skip

Scotland’s Ross Paterson motivated for second season as skip

In preparation for the 2019-2020 season, the World Curling Federation has been speaking to some of the world's top athletes, finding out how they got involved with curling, who inspires them and what motivates them to get out onto the ice and be the best they can be.
Mexico Congress opportune time to consider length of curling games

Mexico Congress opportune time to consider length of curling games

The length of curling games and the potential impact of shortening games - predominantly by reducing the number of ends from ten to eight - will be a vital topic of discussion at the upcoming World Curling Congress and Annual General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico, from 4 to 6 September 2019.
Australia's Tahli Gill indebted to her mother for discovering curling

Australia's Tahli Gill indebted to her mother for discovering curling

In preparation for the 2019-2020 season, the World Curling Federation has been speaking to some of the world's top athletes, finding out how they got involved with curling, who inspires them and what motivates them to get out onto the ice and be the best they can be.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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