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Druhá liga mužov

Ďalšími zápasmi cez víkend pokračuje Druhá liga mužov. O postup do prvej ligy bude hrať 5 tímov - Icebreakers, Trenčianska Teplá, Lipová, Pluskari a Curlingová akadémia.
Vstup na Zimný štadión V. Dzurillu v Bratislave je zadarmo. Všetci fanúšikovia sú vítaní.

Sobota 16. decembra 

9.00 Icebreakers - Curlingová akadémia

Nedeľa 17. decembra

15.30              Trenčianska Teplá - Lipová
19.00  Trenčianska Teplá - Curlingová akadémia     Lipová - Icebreakers

Trenčianska Teplá: Bubeník, Madový, Pružinec, Horňák
Pluskári: Tančibok, Mravec, Odráška, Marko, Sabo, Martin
Curlingová akadémia: Pečenka, Kolman, Rafaj, Haronik, Fi. Pitoňák, Vidlár
Captains Lipová: Kuťka, Dan. Kajan, Dav. Kajan, M. Kajan
Icebreakers: Ježík, Liška, Németh, Šiplák

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#WSCC2019 day four

#WSCC2019 day four

Coverage of the four day of women's and men's competition at the World Senior Curling Championships 2019, in Stavanger, Norway: Live scores: Schedule: Format: www.wcf.
Winter World Masters Games 2020 open for registration

Winter World Masters Games 2020 open for registration

The world's largest multi-sport event for amateur curlers over *35 years old, is open for registration to compete at the Winter World Masters Games in Innsbruck, Austria from 10-19 January 2020. The competition will feature over 3,000 athletes and will be hosted at the Sportpark KitzbUhel, located near the city centre close to the ski jumping.
Statement from the World Curling Federation

Statement from the World Curling Federation

Statement from the World Curling Federation Following an incident on Sunday 21 April, the World Curling Federation has suspended, Viktor Kim (Kazakhstan), from the World Senior and Mixed Doubles Curling Championships 2019 being held in the SOrmarka Arena, in Stavanger, Norway. This suspension has been handed to Mr. Kim for breach of The Rules of Curling R17 Inappropriate Behaviour.
Day four at the #WMDCC2019

Day four at the #WMDCC2019

The World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship 2019 in the SOrmarka Arena in Stavanger, Norway continues on Tuesday with the fourth day of round-robin games. Follow live coverage from the event here: Live scores: Schedule: Format: Television: www.wcf.
#WSCC2019 day three

#WSCC2019 day three

Coverage of the third day of women's and men's competition at the World Senior Curling Championships 2019, in Stavanger, Norway: Live scores: Schedule: Format: www.wcf.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
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811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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