Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá sveta vozičkárov, Peking

Slovensko reprezentovala pätica Lyócsa, Kunkelová, Zaťko, Pitoňák a Ďuriš

Slovenskí reprezentanti skončili na šampionáte s bilanciou 3 víťazstiev a 8 prehier na 10. mieste.
Majstrovstvá sveta sa hrali v Národnom vodnom centre, známom aj ako Kocka ľadu, v Pekingu v Číne.
Šampionát bol generálkou pre nadchádzajúce paralympijské zimné hry v Pekingu 2022, kde sa zúčastní najlepších 12 tímov.

Výsledky Slovenska
)Čína 4:8, Lotyšsko 5:8, Švédsko 5:10, Švajčiarsko 12:1, Výber Ruska 5:14, Kórea 5:2, Taliansko 1:8, Nórsko 6:8, Kanada 3:8, Škótsko 8:3, Spojené štáty 5:9
Majstrovstvá sveta v curlingu na invalidnom vozíku 2021 - Svetová curlingová federácia (

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Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and Sweden share top spot

Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and Sweden share top spot

After two sessions of women's round-robin play at the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2017 in St Gallen's Eissportzentrum Lerchenfeld, hosts Switzerland and 2016 silver medallists Sweden share top spot, along with Hungary and Italy - all unbeaten so far.
Scotland, Sweden and Switzerland ensure two wins from two on day one

Scotland, Sweden and Switzerland ensure two wins from two on day one

Sweden continued their title defence with their second win on the opening day of the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2017 in St Gallen, Switzerland, beating Germany by 8-2. In the fourth end their skip Niklas Edin played a raise shot to score two points and give his team a 5-1 lead.
B-Division highlights

B-Division highlights

The Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017 - happening in Switzerland - are made up of four international curling championships: A-Division women, A-Division men, B-Division women and B-Division men.
#ECC2017: Sport Media Trainee blog

#ECC2017: Sport Media Trainee blog

Kristian Ross and Eakin Howard have joined the World Curling Federation (WCF) media team at the Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017, in St Gallen, Switzerland. They are the latest competition winners of the World Curling Federation's Sports Media Trainee Programme.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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