Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá sveta vozičkárov, Peking

Slovensko reprezentovala pätica Lyócsa, Kunkelová, Zaťko, Pitoňák a Ďuriš

Slovenskí reprezentanti skončili na šampionáte s bilanciou 3 víťazstiev a 8 prehier na 10. mieste.
Majstrovstvá sveta sa hrali v Národnom vodnom centre, známom aj ako Kocka ľadu, v Pekingu v Číne.
Šampionát bol generálkou pre nadchádzajúce paralympijské zimné hry v Pekingu 2022, kde sa zúčastní najlepších 12 tímov.

Výsledky Slovenska
)Čína 4:8, Lotyšsko 5:8, Švédsko 5:10, Švajčiarsko 12:1, Výber Ruska 5:14, Kórea 5:2, Taliansko 1:8, Nórsko 6:8, Kanada 3:8, Škótsko 8:3, Spojené štáty 5:9
Majstrovstvá sveta v curlingu na invalidnom vozíku 2021 - Svetová curlingová federácia (

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Turkey record first ever European A-Division win

Turkey record first ever European A-Division win

In what was their first-ever appearance in the A-Division of the Le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships, Turkey women recorded a historic win, with a 7-6 victory over Russia, the defending champion nation. This game was tight all the way but a score of three points by Turkey in the seventh end made all the difference.
Winning start for defending champions, Sweden

Winning start for defending champions, Sweden

Defending champions Sweden opened their title defence with a 10-6 win over Austria in the opening session of men's round-robin play at the le Gruyere AOP European Curling Championships 2016, in St Gallen's Eissportzentrum Lercherfield, in Switzerland. This was a tight game most of the way and it was the Austrians who went into the half-time break with a lead, at 5-4.
VIDEO: Out of Frame with Team EunJung Kim (Korea)

VIDEO: Out of Frame with Team EunJung Kim (Korea)

The World Curling Federation's broadcasting arm, World Curling TV, spent some time with Team Korea's women's curlers at the Pacific-Asia Curling Championships 2017, in Erina, Australia and got a behind the scenes glimpse of life as part of the team.
International curling comes to St. Gallen

International curling comes to St. Gallen

There are few nations as prestigious in the sport as Switzerland. Their women's team won the inaugural World Championships in 1979. The Swiss have won 16 world championships including six mixed doubles titles, where they are the most dominant country.
The stakes will be high at the Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017

The stakes will be high at the Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017

For many of the teams taking part, the Le GruyEre AOP European Curling Championships 2017 will either be a last championship warm-up for February's 2018 Olympic Winter Games or a final dress-rehearsal for December's Olympic Qualifying Event.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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