Novinky SCZ

Kvalifikácia MS mixed doubles, Dumfries

V Škótsku aj so slovenskými majstrami súrodencami Sýkorovcami

V Škótsku sa v nedeľu začala kvalifikácia MS párov, Slovensko reprezentujú štvornásobní majstri Slovenska v tejto disciplíne Silvia a Marek Sýkorovci. V A-skupine sa postupne stretnú s Lotyšskom, Hongkongom, Belgickom, Rumunskom, Maďarskom a Jamajkou. Držíme palce :)
World Mixed Doubles Qualification Event 2024 - Schedule / Summary

Curlingový krúžok RŠK

Privítame všetky deti od 6 do 15 rokov

Pod dohľadom trénera si deti osvoja základné techniky hry (pohyb na ľade, odhadzovanie kameňov, zametanie povrchu dráhy, streľba na cieľ) a nacvičia rôzne herné situácie (hádzanie na presnosť, odrazenie súperových kameňov). Okrem toho rozvíjajú svoje kondičné a koordinačné schopnosti. Krúžok je organizovaný hravou formou pod vedením inštruktora curlingu. Jednotlivé hodiny začínajú rozcvičkou a cez herné cvičenia sa dostanú až k hraniu curlingového zápasu.
Krúžok stojí 20 eur mesačne, viac info na stránke RŠK

Prvá liga mužov

V predohrávke zvíťazili hráči Gentlemen nad Modrou

Hráči Gentlemen zvíťazili v predohrávke 7. kola Prvej ligy mužov nad Modrou 10:2, Posledná časť základnej časti sa odohrá cez víkend 21. - 22. decembra. Hráči Modry sa v decembri ako reprezentácia Slovenska predstavia na majstrovstvách sveta juniorov B-kategórie vo fínskej Lohje. Cez víkend ich čaká prípravný turnaj Star League v Lohje.



Poland, Russia and Sweden qualify for the play-offs

Poland, Russia and Sweden qualify for the play-offs

The opening sessions of day six (Wednesday 11 October) at the World Mixed Curling Championship 2017 saw Poland, Russia and Sweden secure their play-off places. In the morning's first session of play Russia defeated Estonia 9-0 in just six ends to continue their unbeaten run and claim a place in the play-offs at the top of Group A.
England and Belarus pick up first win; Canada become the first team to qualify for the play-offs

England and Belarus pick up first win; Canada become the first team to qualify for the play-offs

Day five of the World Mixed Curling Championship concluded with sessions 17 and 18 of round-robin play in which England and Belarus recorded their first win of the competition, while Canada's second win off the day ensures they are the first team to secure a spot in the play-offs. In the early evening session, England defeated Germany 7-5 to pick up their first win of the week.
Brazil record historic first world mixed win

Brazil record historic first world mixed win

The World Mixed Curling Championship resumed this morning (Tuesday 10 October) with two sessions of round-robin play and saw Brazil claim a historic first ever win in this competition. Brazil defeated France 7-3 to record their first every World Mixed Curling Championship win.
Czech Republic and USA keep play-off hopes alive; Korea and China remain undefeated

Czech Republic and USA keep play-off hopes alive; Korea and China remain undefeated

Day four of the World Mixed Curling Championship 2017 concluded this evening (Monday 9 October) and the final session saw wins for Czech Republic, USA, Russia and Hungary. Czech Republic defeated Finland 6-5 in a must win game in order to keep their play-off hopes alive.
Undefeated teams secure their grip on groups; Estonia and Norway win again to move into second spots

Undefeated teams secure their grip on groups; Estonia and Norway win again to move into second spots

Day four of the World Mixed Curling Championship 2017 resumed this morning (Monday 9 October) with sessions 11 and 12 of round-robin play. The day's opening session saw wins for Canada, Sweden, Germany, Korea and China, all of whom remain undefeated so far in the competition. Canada defeated England 6-5.







Slovenský curlingový zväz
Záhradnícka 27
811 07 Bratislava

Tel.: +421 918 824449








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