Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá Európy A-kategórie prvýkrát so Slovenskom!

S historicky prvou účasťou Slovenska sa vo Švajčiarsku uskutočnili ME A-kategórie.
Naši reprezentanti skončili na poslednom 10. mieste a vypadli do B-kategórie. Pre Slovákov bola už účasť na ME historickým úspechom.
V St. Gallene nás reprezentovala pätica František Pitoňák, Jakub Polák, Patrik Kaprálik, David Mišun (viceskip) a Juraj Gallo (skip).

Sobota: Nemecko 2:4, Holandsko 1:12
Nedeľa: Švédsko 1:12
Pondelok: Nórsko 2:7, Škótsko 1:8
Utorok: Švajčiarsko 3:10, Rusko 4:9
Streda: Rakúsko 4:9
Štvrtok: Taliansko 9:5 


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#WSCC 2018 Day two quotes

#WSCC 2018 Day two quotes

Athlete quotes from day two of the World Senior Curling Championships 2018 being held in the Ostersund Arena in Oestersund, Sweden.
Day one review

Day one review

Four sessions of men's round-robin play were staged on Saturday's (21 April) first day of competition at the World Senior Curling Championships 2018, in Oestersund, Sweden, and in Group A, Australia top the table with two wins, by 7-3 over Slovenia and then by 5-4 after an extra end against defending champions Sweden.
#WMDCC2018: Sports Media Trainee blog

#WMDCC2018: Sports Media Trainee blog

Dakshiani Palicha has joined the World Curling Federation media team at the World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship 2018 in Oestersund, Sweden. She is the latest competition winner of the World Curling Federation Sports Media Trainee Programme.
#WMDCC2018: Day one quotes

#WMDCC2018: Day one quotes

Flash quotes from the opening day of the World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship







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