Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Novinky SCZ

Majstrovstvá Európy A-kategórie prvýkrát so Slovenskom!

S historicky prvou účasťou Slovenska sa vo Švajčiarsku uskutočnili ME A-kategórie.
Naši reprezentanti skončili na poslednom 10. mieste a vypadli do B-kategórie. Pre Slovákov bola už účasť na ME historickým úspechom.
V St. Gallene nás reprezentovala pätica František Pitoňák, Jakub Polák, Patrik Kaprálik, David Mišun (viceskip) a Juraj Gallo (skip).

Sobota: Nemecko 2:4, Holandsko 1:12
Nedeľa: Švédsko 1:12
Pondelok: Nórsko 2:7, Škótsko 1:8
Utorok: Švajčiarsko 3:10, Rusko 4:9
Streda: Rakúsko 4:9
Štvrtok: Taliansko 9:5 


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Men's World Rankings 2018

Men's World Rankings 2018

The latest Men's World Rankings have been published following the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 and the 361º World Men's Curling Championship
Bronze medals for Scotland at 361º World Men's Curling Championship 2018

Bronze medals for Scotland at 361º World Men's Curling Championship 2018

Scotland beat Korea by 11-4 to take bronze medals on Sunday (8 April) afternoon at the 361° World Men's Curling Championship in the Orleans Arena, in Las Vegas, United States. The medal winning team are skip Bruce Mouat, third Grant Hardie, second Bobby Lammie, lead Hammy McMillan and alternate Ross Paterson.
VIDEO: Grab a Cab with... ChangMin Kim (Team Korea)

VIDEO: Grab a Cab with... ChangMin Kim (Team Korea)

World Curling TV Grab a Cab with ChangMin Kim, skip of Team Korea, ahead of their 361º World Men's Curling Championship 2018 bronze medal game in Las Vegas, United States.
Canada win to set up World Men's rematch with Sweden

Canada win to set up World Men's rematch with Sweden

Scotland faced Canada in Saturday (7 April) evening's second semi-final of the 361° World Men's Curling Championship 2018 in Las Vegas, United States, with the winner earning the right to face Olympic silver medallists Sweden, in Sunday (8 April) afternoon's gold medal game. Sweden were the winners of the earlier semi-final over Korea, by 9-8.







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