Novinky SCZ

Pavel Kocian
/ Categories: Titulka, Novinky SCZ

Program vrcholných podujatí 2022

Vrcholom budú Zimné olympijské hry v Pekingu

Slovenský curlingový zväz praje všetkým členom príjemné prežitie vianočných sviatkov, veľa šťastia, zdravia a úspechov v novom roku 2022. Tento rok poznačila pandémia a boli zrušené všetky súťaže slovenskej ligy. Na reprezentačnej úrovni sa darilo tímu mužov, ktorý si na ME v Ženeve vybojoval postup do B-kategórie. Na ME v Lillehammeri potvrdil formu a takisto ako reprezentácia žien si udržal účasť v béčku. Naši hráči boli aj v hre o ZOH v Pekingu, v tureckom Erzurume si však muži, ženy ani dably postup nevybojovali. V budúcom roku bude pre slovenský curling vrcholom marcová paralympiáda, kde sa zúčastní tím pod vedením Radka Ďuriša. 

Vrcholné podujatia 2022

MS juniorov, B-kategória, Lohja (3. - 14. januára), pre pandémiu zrušené
ZOH, Peking (3. - 20. februára)
Zimné paralympijské hry, Peking (5. - 12. marca), účasť SR
MS juniorov, Jönköping ((5. - 12. marca)
MS žien, Princ George (19. - 27. marca)
MS mužov, Las Vegas (2. - 10. apríla)
MS seniorov, Ženeva (23. - 30. apríla), účasť SR
MS dablov, Lohja (30. apríla - 6. mája)
ME B-kategória (dejisko a termín určia neskôr), účasť SR

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Sweden confirm top spot in the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's rankings

Sweden confirm top spot in the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's rankings

The round-robin section of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019, being staged in Lethbridge, Canada, has reached its last day, and, in Friday morning's 18th session, defending champions Sweden clinched top spot on the rankings with an 8-4 win over the Olympic champions, United States.
First Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's championship win for Korea

First Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's championship win for Korea

In Thursday night's 17th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019 in Lethbridge, Canada, Korea beat Norway by 8-5 in their 11th and second-last game to finally record their first win of the event.
Sweden and Japan qualify for the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's play-off stage

Sweden and Japan qualify for the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's play-off stage

Defending champions Sweden beat Korea by 7-5 in Thursday afternoon's 16th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Championship in Lethbridge, Canada. This win qualifies them for the weekend play-off stage, as they stand at the top of the rankings, on nine wins and one loss.
Italy win again in record breaking world championship performance

Italy win again in record breaking world championship performance

Italy beat Switzerland by 6-5 after an extra end in Thursday morning's 15th round-robin session of the Pioneer Hi-Bred World Men's Curling Championship 2019 in Lethbridge, Canada. This was the first time that Italy had beaten Switzerland at this level since 1985 and was their sixth win so far, a best-ever World Championship performance for their nation.







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